I don't usually review current films as film selection and personal interests are always very subjective. However, after viewing Australia last night I decided to make an exception. I like Baz Luhrmann, he is a film director who takes risks hence Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge and Australia falls in to the risk taking category. Luhrmann delivers a film epic, at 165mins it couldn't be anything less. It is an epic that crosses film genres giving us war, musical, almost a Western, abit of Out of Africa and love all in one go. Sentimental and at times bordering on silly it doesn't have the greatest of dialogue but what it has is a massive cinema heart. Australia's faults are insignificant compared to the setting, story, acting, design and cinematography. In fact the sentimentality is key to delivering a difficult story. It is a story that attempts to right a wrong and pay homage to the sadness it caused. It doesn't matter if there are historical inaccuracies or any other such nit picking detail, because Luhrmann delivers a project that he has poured his heart and soul into.
The performances by Jackman and Kidman are fantastic. Nicole Kidman surprised me with her delivery and one scene in particular when she tries to comfort a child who has lost his mother. Jackman is certainly great screen idol material but the main characters only work due to the rest of the cast giving the same stupendous performance.
Go and be entertained, take tissues and love the costumes.