Sunday, 14 December 2008

Fish Supper Barbados

Don't worry you've never seen the film! It is a small story board that unfolded before my eyes in Barbados. The trip was inspirational for reading (lots of film and fashion stuff), for developing this poor neglected blog and a growing film script in my head and in part on paper!
This short story is of a local fisherman who is bringing in his catch to the rum shop by the sea! Already gutted before being brought in, the fish is weighed, admired and then left to be cut up, whilst the fisherman gets back on the boat and away as the sun is setting.


Elizabeth said...

I loved this narrative. I hope you'll do that screenplay, Kate!

Aliena said...

loved the pictures...

Delicious Industries said...

Great pics, it looks like a fabulous location. I'm sure you could manage a few months out there shooting this!

Anonymous said...

cool shots, it feels like I'm there....ahh the warmth.

Ella Gregory said...

It's so grey and horrible here and it looks so beautiful there....
So unfair ha ha.

K.Line said...

Oh, this is too gorgeous.

La Belette Rouge said...

So beautiful. I am wondering now if there is any link in your mind between Barbados and Bardot? Or is that just me.;-)

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I like to throw my hat into the ring for the role of the agents will be in touch.

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

btw the I still hate you for going to Barbados, but I'm prepared to work through it...for the role!

Make Do Style said...

Imelda Matt - I can do better than the fish role don't ya worry! auditons will involve shoe bribery though....

Sharon said...

Hi there-oh to be there, but not as the fish, haha! Seriously, good job well done my dear!

Unknown said...

wow. talk about fresh fish! These photos are phenomenal. breathtaking!