Friday, 31 July 2009

Weekly review or that was the week that was

I've struggled to find a level with this blog. I wanted to discuss fashion, not just garments but general cultural trends, fashion in general including art, architecture, design but with a specific emphasis on film.

Somehow the flow, the mojo, the very essence of this blog has never got going.

So, this is another attempt to get it going and to make it easier and more to the point I will only post at the end of the week.

And today I went to see Coco Avant Chanel (2009) and I refer you to my first post on this in March for images and other info.

I'll keep the review brief and not spoil it for you!

Basically (dreadful to start with I know but...) it is a delight. I think one could feel either ambivalent or impressed with Audrey Tatou as Gabrielle Chanel. The film is neither too long or too short and cleverly adapts only part of Edmonde Charles Roux's book and to great effect. The
adaptation focuses on the how and a bit of the why. It drops in bits of information to suggest Coco schemed and was adept at being circumspect with the truth for her own end. The ending is glorious and for me Benoit Poelvoorde as Etienne de Balsan gave a sublime performance.

Just one note of cinematographic appreciation the scene at Deauville was pure Renoir (the artist).


1 comment:

Sharon said...

Pleased to hear a good review of this film my dear, can't wait to see it!!