Friday, 30 October 2009

Short Film Update

My short film is done, well I have a final edit.
All I have to do now is arrange a screening - though now it is real I'm too scared to show!
Damn artistic torture...


Sharon said...

Fabulous news, I'm sure even the most famous directors get butterflies and nerves!!

gd said...

You're so lucky for studying both fashion and film. i'm a fashion journo, film reviewer, and also aspiring film maker. so glad to find ur blog. i follow you, maybe u can follow me too, and we'll keep in touch! keep blogging!

buzz me if u wanna be link in my page!!


Elizabeth said...

Oh no! I hope you'll get over this "scared" bit. :)

Mumbling Elf said...

I'm sure it'll be great. Couple of glasses of wine beforehand and you'll be fine :-)

Anonymous said...

oooh, thinking of you! xxx

game cards said...

I can’t wait to watch your short film, you leave us very excited.

rsa training said...

Oh! This is so exciting. I hope you will inform us all about the showing of your short film.